Category: Overactive Bladder

Overactive Bladder Medication Isn’t Working: Next Steps

Many people struggle with an overactive bladder. They optimistically begin treatment with medications, but they eventually find that the meds no longer work as well as they did in the beginning. In addition, the unpleasant side effects almost make it not worth taking the medication. So what do you do when overactive bladder medication isn’t working? Explore next steps.

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The Guy’s Guide To Male Incontinence

Let’s face it. As a man, there are probably things you just do NOT want to talk about. Incontinence is probably one of those topics, but the truth is that if you are suffering with incontinence, you must deal with it. So continue reading and consider it the guy’s guide to male incontinence. Then your next step will be to talk to Dr. Lee Evans about it!

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Overactive Bladder Treatments Beyond Medications

Overactive bladder, or OAB, is the sudden and uncontrollable need to urinate affecting men and 40% of women. It can lead to the embarrassing involuntary leakage of urine. If you have an overactive bladder and have tried all the prescription meds with their accompanying complications or ineffectiveness, don’t give up. There are additional overactive bladder treatments beyond medications.

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Men’s Health Webinar on February 25th


Signs, Symptoms and Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction and Urinary Incontinence

Learn about treatments for erectile dysfunction (ED) and male bladder leakage that hundreds of thousands of men have chosen as a way to return to living their best life. View this webinar and get your questions answered in the comfort and privacy of your own home. Attend a FREE men’s health webinar on February 25th at 6pm CST.

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