Category: Erectile Dysfunction

Talking To Your Doctor About Erectile Dysfunction

Talking to your doctor about erectile dysfunction may be embarrassing for some men, and obviously it is a delicate subject. You may be surprised to learn that 75% of ED causes are physical in nature. So what you may be most worried about may have nothing to do with the cause. Unless and until you discover the “why,” you won’t be able to focus on the “how” to fix the problem.

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How Sexual Dysfunction Affects Your Marriage

It is difficult enough to maintain a happy marriage with financial worries, children, and both spouses working full time jobs. Add in sexual dysfunction and your life can be turned upside down. Whether you are in a long term relationship or married for many years, how sexual dysfunction affects your marriage is up to the parties involved. Let’s look at the best ways to handle this common issue.

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More Than Just Sex: Why You Should Seek Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction

It can be the “elephant in the room” if you are having trouble with erectile dysfunction, even in your doctor’s office. It is a hard subject (pun intended) to bring up and discuss, but it’s more than just sex. Here’s why you should seek treatment for erectile dysfunction.

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When Is It Time To Consider A Penile Implant For Erectile Dysfunction

When is it time to consider a penile implant for erectile dysfunction? If you are tired of taking medications and waiting for them to work, frustrated that they limit your spontaneity, and you want something that is a more permanent solution to erectile dysfunction, you may have your answer. It might be now.

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Men’s Health Webinar on February 25th


Signs, Symptoms and Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction and Urinary Incontinence

Learn about treatments for erectile dysfunction (ED) and male bladder leakage that hundreds of thousands of men have chosen as a way to return to living their best life. View this webinar and get your questions answered in the comfort and privacy of your own home. Attend a FREE men’s health webinar on February 25th at 6pm CST.

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